Auto-sync contacts from Gmail or Outlook and import new leads from LinkedIn in just 1-click with folkX
Get setup fast and pain-free
Access workspace templates, use AI to clean up bulk imports, and enjoy our refreshingly simple design
Stay organized with accurate data
Automatically deduplicate contacts and fill in missing information with 1-click Enrichment
Track what matters to you most
Create customizable pipelines and table views for people, companies, or objects
Close as a team
Collaborate on contacts with shared comments, taggable reminders, and a history of interactions
Loved by closers
Morgan (founder)
Sparkmate, venture studio
“We’re here to build relationships and folk is the only way for us to keep track of a large volume of people without relying on impersonal automations.”
“folk is simple and flexible enough to evolve with the way we collaborate as a team. We used to rely mainly on inbound and word-of-mouth. And now folk helps also with prospecting.”