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by closers

Morgan (founder)
Sparkmate, venture studio
“We’re here to build relationships and folk is the only way for us to keep track of a large volume of people without relying on impersonal automations.”
folk for investors
Elisa (partnerships)
Slite, B2B Startup
“It’s so easy for me to keep track, and I make sure to set reminders to follow up with prospective partners so they don't fall through the cracks.”
folk for partnerships
Hugo (CEO)
Nextra, consulting firm
"Prospecting takes multiple forms: reach out to someone, meet at an event, get introduced, word of mouth... folk helps us capture all of this."
folk for sales
Luc (founder)
Monette, digital agency
“folk is simple and flexible enough to evolve with the way we collaborate as a team. We used to rely mainly on inbound and word-of-mouth. And now folk helps also with prospecting.”
folk for agencies
Olivier (founder)
Pingfluence, influence agency
“We’re wearing a lot of hats and, at our agency, we need to. My CRM organization needs to be streamlined and easy to use. That's why we love folk.”
folk for sales