February 10, 2023

How to craft the perfect sales email template for your sales goals

Teresa Lee
Content marketing manager

Discover folk - the CRM for people-powered businesses

There are many sales email templates out there online, and there’s nothing easier than taking one and sending it out to your prospects. You can even check out our ow in our template gallery (it’s very popular).

It’s a start.

But there’s more you can do to make sure your sales emails are effective and so tailored to your prospects that they can hardly say no.

Here are 6 tips on how to create your own winning sales templates that will get you results again and again…

Segment your targets

Organize your targets into groups based on what they’re looking for and the pain points they want to solve. This way, you can craft a tailored message that is relevant to each group and they’ll be much more likely to engage. It’s super easy to do this in folk, which is built around groups of contacts. Once you have your groups you can then use Messages in folk to email an entire list in one go with ultra-personalized emails that are automatically tailored to each contact.

Focus on your targets’ pain points/desires

Position yourself as offering the solution to their problem. Highlight the benefits of your product or service, and show them why you’re the perfect fit to help them achieve their goal. Make sure to back it up with data and/or social proof, i.e. testimonials, or name-drop a prolific and relevant client.

Give them an incentive

Give your prospects an incentive to act. Offering a discount, bonus, or free trial can sweeten the deal and make them more likely to take the first step.

Keep it brief

We all have shortened attention spans these days. The shorter your email, the higher the chance it’ll actually be read.

Include a clear call-to-action

What specific behavior are you trying to elicit? For them to book a call, or to sign up on your website? Decide on one desired outcome from the email, and make it clear in the call to action.

Test and track

Lastly, don't forget to track your results and adjust as needed. Monitor which emails got the best responses and use that information to further refine your templates and ensure they’re as effective as possible. In folk’s Messages you can track all your email campaign analytics: deliveries, opens, clicks, and bounce rates, down to the date and time of each event.

In addition, in folk's Messages you can save all your best emails as templates, which you can insert into an email with one click, and also collaborate on email templates with your team.

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