October 10, 2022

How Marble is sourcing the best talent with folk to help solve the climate crisis

Teresa Lee
Content marketing manager

Discover folk - the CRM for people-powered businesses

The pains of sourcing prospective founders

To make their epic plans a reality, Marble needs to find exceptional scientists, engineers, and operators, who want to create world-leading companies based on advanced science.

This involves lots of scouting and reaching out to potential partners on various social platforms while nurturing relationships in the best talent and scientific circles. In other words: lots of interactions and contacts from all over the place need to be logged, organized, and liaised with.

Previously, the Marble team was using a mix of Airtable and Notion for their stakeholder management. This was messy, with lots of duplicate entries, no history of interactions, and no enrichment of contact information. Painful, to say the least!

Enter folk.

Master Marble talent pool on folk
Master talent database on folk

folk’s game-changing contact management

The main entry point for Benjamin Tincq, Founding Partner of Marble, is the folkX extension. It allows him, with just a few clicks, to add folk contacts directly from his browser, without having to open folk, whether he’s browsing LinkedIn, Twitter, or Gmail.

“Every time I want to keep track of someone I find interesting (an expert, founder, etc.), I add them using folkX with a tag and relevant info, and then create a reminder to follow up later,” says Benjamin. “I like the automatic upload of company logos and other rich data with folkX.”

He’s also a fan of folk’s de-duplication feature: “It lets us converge data and have a single source of truth for the whole team,” says Benjamin. “It’s clean and easy to use. Our very active Talent team is in the tool every day.”

From investors and potential first hires to journalists and world-renowned scientific professors, contact groups in folk are easy to create and give Marble a consolidated view of its entire network of people.

Importing contacts from LinkedIn
Importing contacts from LinkedIn

Reaching out and staying on track

folk makes it simple to reach out to a wide range of stakeholders. Then it’s easy for the entire team to track ongoing interactions, whether to follow up with a potential candidate, or pick the brains of an expert in a particular field.

folk also makes for an easily customizable ATS (applicant tracking system). Thanks to the custom Kanban view option, Marble’s team is able to check pipelines and see the state of each process at any given time. All interactions with candidates can be shared, as well as notes taken during meetings.

All in all, what makes folk stand out from other CRM options?

“It’s a tool truly made for contact management, with the flexibility and customization of Airtable and Notion,” says Benjamin. “Plus onboarding new people is fast and straightforward. For someone who doesn’t like CRMs, you get to like them with folk!”

Setting up a pieline in seconds
Setting up a pieline in seconds
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