Famous lists
Lists of high-value contacts and companies, curated by our community
CEO of less than 50 employees in France
List of CEO of less than 50 employees in France.
CEO who fundraised in the last 90 days (as of June 24)
Recent fundraising can be a good opportunity/time to reach out to drive business.
🇫🇷 Chief of Staff list
French Chief of Staff list if you want to get in touch with them.
💪🏻 Classement Choiseul
The top 100 leaders under 40 from France and around the globe who are making waves in the world economy. List curated by the Choiseul Institute.
✨ Top French Influencers on LinkedIn
A list of the top French influencers on LinkedIn, curated by Hugo Bentz from Startup Studio La Chapelle
Biggest Fundraising Round so far in 2024 💸
Which company raised the biggest rund of funding in 2024 so far ? Here they are.
📱 Best Product Influencers
The top 10 prolific influencers in the Product space who are sharing their tips and insights with the world.
🤡 Best Marketing Gurus
A list of the world’s top digital marketing experts. They count decades of experience between them and, best of all, are keen to share it.
🎓 ️ Best lawyer firm list
A list of the most prestigious law firms in the United States by Vault, based on a survey of almost 17,000 law associates.
Asian Family Offices
Family offices in Asia that are heavy in term of financial investments
All Decision Maker regarding Startup and Venture Studio in the world
Engage with all decision maker regarding Startup and Venture Studio in the world
All Seed VC Founds - 🇺🇸 & 🇪🇺
VC Founds and their partners contacts investing in Seed in Europe and USA.
All accelerators, by number of investments
Best accelerators worldwide, ranked by number of investments
Bessemer Cloud SaaS Map
The top 100 private cloud companies around the world, from small startups to private-equity-backed giants. They’ve been selected for growth, sales, valuation, culture, plus a reputation score.
2000 AI Companies
2000 AI Companies in the world. You can breakdown by Industries, Estimated Revenue or Number of Employees. It also contain contacts informations to reachout.
300 Australian Early-Stage Investors
Who should you reach out to if you're onto something big in Australia?
350 Most Active Angel Investors in the US
Most prominent angel investors with details on check size, industry focus and LinkedIn profile.
🎓 2022 Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities
A list of the top-ranking universities around the world, compiled by Shanghai Ranking Consultancy, an independent organization. These institutions have been assessed on six objective indicators, including the number of alumni and staff winning Nobel Prizes.
🦄 ️ 25 Fastest Growing Startups In 2022
A list of the 25 fastest-growing startups, from a range of industries, as curated by Exploding Topics.
2000 US VCs
2000 US VCs, with emails, industry, stage, portfolio companies and more.
250 US AI Angel Investors
Most prominent Artificial intelligence angel investors in the US.
1000 🇺🇸 E-Commerce Companies making 1M$ to 10M$ Sales
1000 🇺🇸 E-Commerce Companies making 1M$ to 10M$ Sales
100 VC firms Investing in SaaS
Interested in SaaS? Here are a 100 VC firms that invest in this category.
🤑 100 French Startups to invest in 2022
Looking for your next startup investment? Here’s a handy list of the top 100 startups to invest in this year, by Challenges.